Work Teams Forging Experience


People take the objects they make home – or may want to proudly display them at their workplace!

The Petefire Blacksmith Forge at Chiswell Green (near St Albans) can accommodate up to eight people on a forging experience.

Costs for work teams forging experiences are:

4 people £340 5people £420 6people £495 7people £565 8people £635  

Contact us with questions and to book your date

Phone or email, 01923 350596 or 0777 999 1551.

Work Teams Forging Experience – Petefire Artist Blacksmith, St Albans, Herts

If you’ve got something particular that you’d like to achieve on a work team forging experience, please contact us to discuss possibilities.

Petefire Artist Blacksmith, Chiswell Green, St Albans, Herts, England
SKU: workteams Category:


Are you looking for something a bit different to develop, challenge and reward your work team?

We think a Petefire Work Teams blacksmith forging experience could be something that would be a fun challenge.

Based on the popular forging experiences, Peter has developed a work teams forging experience where teams work together to make hand forged items. Colleagues can compete in small teams to make objects – often arrow heads.

Work Teams Forging Experience – Petefire Artist Blacksmith, St Albans, Herts