Buy Petefire Kitchen Knife Blacksmith Forging Experience voucher here. If you’re looking for another date, please contact us? Check it’s free on 01923 350596, 0777 999 1551 or
Here’s more information about the Papa Kitchen Knife in a chat with Peter (the blacksmith) and John, his dad, who the Papa Knife was made for. John uses the knife every day.
Contact us with questions and to book your date
Phone or email, 01923 350596 or 0777 999 1551.
If you’ve got something particular that you’d like to achieve on a work team forging experience, please contact us to discuss possibilities.

Kitchen knife / larger knife
Along with Peter, you will for a larger knife / kitchen knife, over a 3 – 4 hour period. Peter is an entertaining teacher, discussing any and every aspect of metalworking and blacksmithing. He makes sure that everyone is involved.